We had such a fun Thanksgiving this year. My brother Rory and his wife Katie came and also my older brother Ryan. We had a very relaxed Thanksgiving dinner-I wore my pj's and didn't even take a shower. Here is my brother Rory dancing with Luke and Brooke on the coffee table waiting for the turkey to cook. I don't remember what song they were dancing to but it definitely wasn't a thanksgiving song!
That weekend we went to the pier and had clam chowder at the Boudin Sourdough Factory and then went to the Musee Mechanique. It is a collection of over 200 vintage arcade games and attractions housed in a warehouse on Fisherman's Wharf. We like going there because it is free and you can just wonder around and watch other people put their quarters in and get a free show. No, we did spend about $10 in quarters but it is definitely worth it and my kids never get sick of it.

Here is Luke and Brooke trying out the massage chair that just shakes annoyingly. They liked it though.

Here is Brooke in front of a farm house where you could watch all the men at work and the windmill turning. It is actually pretty amazing how they all work. It makes me think of simpler times(before video games).

Here is Uncle Ryan using all my quarters on another massage chair. I threw Luke and Brooke on so we could get more for our money.

Here is the famous laughing lady. She does have a name, I just can't remember it. Basically all this lady does is make this freakishly loud laugh and her upper body shakes. It is kind of scary, in a scary clown sort of way. But we do it every time we go.
Another fun thing we did over Thanksgiving was to go shopping on Haight and Ashbury street. It is the famous hippy shopping district and it is great!!! I am a huge fan of Mendel's Art supply and I go there on a regular basis. I don't even mind all the crazy hippies/homeless people there. You definitely have to go there to appreciate what it has to offer.

Here is Brooke and Aunt Katie in front of a great costume store. I bought Brooke that crown.

Here we are on the Haigth and Ashbury intersection-where it all started ;)

Here we are in front of one of the many smoke shops. And yes we did get asked a few times if we wanted to purchase some marijuana.

Here I am with my awesome pouch that my friends gave to me at my baby shower. Caitlynn sleeps every time I put her in this and I totally recommend it for anyone looking to pack around a baby. It is called a "Kangaroo Pouch" and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! It was perfect for the busy weekend, thanks again guys!!!
So as you can see our Thanksgiving was lots of fun-table dancers, party clothes, hippies, marijuana, slot machines, massages, an all-you-can-eat buffet and a happy little baby to top it off. I am so Thankful that I had fun people to share it with.
PS. What happens at the Edwards, stays at the Edwards. Anyone want to come for Christmas?
What a nice holiday! Oh, I know that clown...Isn't that Laughing Sal?
What a great holiday!! Looking forward to an equally fun Christmas! :)
Ha ha ha! I love the table dancing. Like Christina said I think that puppet lady is Laughing Sal. I think she's creepy looking. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving.
Looks like a classic San Fran Thanksgiving...table dancing, magic chairs & a "costume store"...looks a little riske to me. You will have to take us there for girls weekend! ;) I wish I was coming there for Christmas! Sniff. Sniff.
Happy Holidays! Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and joy with those you love. Wish we could be there for Christmas...guess we'll just have to kiss the screen. LOVE YOU ALL. Grandma, Grandpa, Diane, CJ, Dan, and Joe
dont let the motherly facade fool anyone, Ronna is a liar. I never bought brownies, and have never experimented with illeagle drugs, and if I had, I dont think I would have inhaled.
I LOVE Luke's face as he dances on the coffee table! And yes, I would love to be there with you for Christmas!
Looks like a lot of fun..kinda bummed we wont see you this year but next year we will have to try to get together!
Hey Hey!!!
We had such a great time and we did alot. The time went by too quickly. We can't wait to come out again. Tell Brooke and Luke we said hi and Boo too, give Caitlynn a kiss for me. We love you all and miss you.
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