At the last minute, I decided to go to St. George to visit my parents for New Years. Here are some pictures of our trip. This first one is of my dad, step-mom, and sister-in-law Katie with her dog Boo and my parents' dog Bella, oh-and the kids.

Here is a nice picture with my two brothers, my Dad and Luke. The only guy missing was JR-maybey next year he will decide to take off a little more time-but probably not.
Here is a cute picture of Luke and Brooke and their favorite Aunt Katie(my brother Rory's wife). This was taken at Cold Stone, yummy!

And here is Uncle Rory hiding behind his baby-oh I mean dog. Luke and Brooke sure got enough doggy-time to last them until the next trip I hope.

Isn't he the nicest Uncle ever??? Never a dull moment with Uncle Ryan around.

Here the kids are getting ready to take Bella out on her walk. She goes on a walk twice a day and my kids fight over who gets to hold the leash. So, one does it in the morning with Grandma Kay and the other one gets to do it at night with Grandpa Mac. They like taking her around the pond behind their house. It is definitely the highlight of the day for Luke and Brooke.

Here is my nerdy child Brooke. She looked so goofy with Grandpa Mac's glasses on and then when she put on the princess tiara it was even better. She is so funny!

Luke and Brooke with their Aunt Katie. Thanks again for watching my kids for me. They sure do love you.

A nice picture with Grandpa Mac. I wish we lived closer Dad, the kids sure miss wrestling with you.

And this is what Caitlynn thought of our trip. "Thumbs up!" Hope you all had a great New Years!
I hope you have a great New Year...you have a great family!
Those are some great pics of your family.. I especially love the one of Uncle Ryan playing gently with your boy. That is something my brothers would totaly be doing. Hope you had a great Christmas & New Years.
Thanks for stopping in, not! We were just home, taking it easy. Uncles are great for wrestling and teasing and all of that stuff. Looks like a fun trip. even if you didn't stop by.
Fun times. I can't wait to see you all! Wwweeee!
OH my goodness! What a CUTE picture of Caitlynn there at the end!
Hey Edwards, we had such a good time when you were here. Hope to see you again even though we are in Salt Lake now.
We have to get together...I need to see your little baby girl. We miss you all.
Hey Ronna- Its Malisa Thomason. Your kids are adorable. I saw your blog on Lindseys. Just had to say hi. Where are you at now. Where's Ryan. Tell him hi for me. YOu have a beautiful family.
Ahhhh, next year I will be closer to home and get to be there to share the family time....love the pics...put some more of the baby up-please...she is so cute...hardly an hair though-what's up with that.
AND why haven't you returned any of my bizillion calls? or answered any of your phones.
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