Monday we just hung out in the morning and then went to the 3D movie Monsters vs. Aliens. Tuesday we did the Exploratorium. Then on Wednesday we went to the Oakland A's vs. the Boston Red Socks game. That was really fun and we lucked out on great seats! Oh, and it was dollar day so the hot dogs were only a buck and we got a ton! On Thursday we went to the Oakland temple and enjoyed the beautiful gardens and other happenings there. Then we dropped off Uncle Ryan at the airport and went and visited some of our friends for dinner. On Friday we decided to go down to Santa Cruz and enjoy the beach. Even though it is only an hour away, we still got a hotel and had a great time at the indoor pool/hot tub. The next day we spent at the beach collecting sea shells and getting some much needed "Daddy Time". One highlight was seeing a baby seal that had washed to shore right where we were. The kids thought it was the greatest thing ever until they realized it was sick and the vet came and took it away. But it was neat to see one up close. All in all, it was a great trip and the drive home was only an hour so it was just perfect for mommy.
It was really fun spending time with the kids and being lazy for awhile. I am getting excited for summer to come-only six more weeks for us. But until then, back to school and routines for now.