So instead of posting about our summer fun, I will do a family update-with no pictures of course.
(I got it to upload finally!!!!!)
So, we will start off with Luke starting 1st grade. He loves it! He gets to ride his scooter to school with the neighbor kids most days and he thinks his teacher Mrs. B is pretty cool. He has lost another bottom tooth and thinks both of his top two teeth are loose. He is learning to read more and more each day and his favorite books are the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series. His favorite thing to do at recess is play basketball. So, we signed him up for after school basketball on Wednesdays and he does very well. He is growing up quickly and I am enjoying his company more and more-surprisingly. I like to ask him how his day went after school and hear him talk about himself and his friends. He is growing up too fast.
Brooke is doing Joy School with five other kids this year. (any other crazy joy school moms out there?) This means that I teach one week and have all six kids at my house and then we rotate houses and teachers. I think the program is really superb and Brooke and her friends are really enjoying it. I just finished my week and I am pooped! But hey, it is free and I have the next five weeks to recover :0 Brooke is also doing Ballet on Wednesdays and then lots of play dates in the afternoons. She also loves to read books to herself, play joy school with Caitlynn(its really funny when she gets mad that Caitlynn just isn't "playing the right way"). She loves to wear dresses and is getting tired of waiting for her hair to grow out. She is learning to finally ride a bike-with training wheels mind you. She also can't wait until her Birthday in December.
Caitlynn used to be such a she is getting a mind of her own and she is definitely going to be very head-strong. She wants to be with Luke and Brooke wherever they are and will go to crazy lengths to get there. She is more coordinated than she should be and I am getting sick of finding her in the toilets and trash and falling down the steps outside. She loves to "ride" the tricycle and be outside at all times. She's still a daddy's girl and will sit and giggle with him at night. He tries to keep her awake later than I like but that's OK b/c she usually sleeps in until 8:30. Caitlynn has 4 teeth now but we can see two more popping through. She loves to take baths and have books read to her. She can say "dadda and momma" now. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by because her birthday is only a couple of weeks away.
Well, besides Joy School, I am staying pretty busy with my calling in the Young Women. I am the Laurel Advisor and there is alot of work that goes into this new calling. There's teaching, meetings and the weekly activities. It keeps me busy! I am still loving our neighborhood and can't believe how nice the weather is down here. I try to take JR lunch most days just to say hello and I am making new friends at church. I am wishing I had an extra hour in the day(preferably the early morning before anyone wakes up)just to get caught up. But all in all, life is good right now.
JR is sitting right next to me telling me that he has to work on Saturday and then will be out of town the first week in October. So, that basically sums up his life. He works alot and when he isn't working, he is home with the family resting or playing(and sometimes yelling) with the kids. We are mostly grateful for his job at this time and happy to be close to his work. It is so nice to have him so close to home.
So we have been one busy family. Wish me luck getting my summer stuff posted up before the holidays arrive...they are just around the corner you know!!
Sounds like everyone is doing great! I did Joy school last year with Warren and we really enjoyed it. It is always a little stressful to have all six kids on your week but after a few turns I learned a few tricks to manage various personalitites etc.
I had to laugh about Caitlin. Ben's personality is starting to develop too and he is getting more opinionated about things too. He is a dishwasher and trash diver ALL THE WAY! lol I laughed so hard when you typed that. The last 3 days I have found him eating old banana peels and all kinds of strange things. Glad to hear it is "normal" .
I am so jealous you are in YW. It is a BUSY calling but reaps so many dividends. I sure miss it. Thanks for the update! LOVE & Miss ya girl! :) xoxo
so funny that Brooke thinks Caitlynn "just isn't playing right". :) How can she if she's only one??? So cute!!
How fun that JR is so close and you can do lunch together now... and since the commute is so short, he comes home earlier? hope so...
Can't wait to hear more about your summer... I love to see pictures! :)
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