Saturday, November 28, 2009


As I reflect on the past year, I am filled with lots of memories. November is a hard month for me. I lost my mother, grandmother, and third baby all in the month of November. It is a time of year that we should feel grateful and happy... but sometimes I feel biter, angry and hurt. When these powerful feelings enter into my mind, I can't help but be reminded of my Savior and His sacrafices for me. I miss my mom and grandma, and I think about Chelsea everyday. I feel like something is there is a void in my life. But after the turkey is eaten and the day is coming to a close, I find myself pondering the upcoming holiday. The birth of our Savior. I am reminded of a book that my dear friend sent me after Chelsea passed away. It's message is simple and yet very powerful to me. It is that He lives. Jesus Christ died so that we might live again!!!!!!!! When I read those beautiful words, (which is a tradition in our family now)I can't help but feel an overwhelming warmth in my heart and mind. I KNOW that I will see my mother and daughter again. I know that there is more to this life than what our mortal eyes can see. And I am grateful. I am thankful.


amydear said...

What a great photo! I love the colors. Luke's face is priceless, and you look beautiful. I'm sorry that November is hard for you. I've been thinking of you! Sorry you didn't make it to the temple lights tonight, but I'm glad you updated your blog.

Cheri said...

What beautiful thoughts, Ronna. It is so true that when those words "the Saviour lives!" enter my mind I always feel an overwhelming peace. I am grateful for YOU and for your example. You have a beautiful family. That is one of the coolest pictures I have seen in a long time. I love the dress up/theme idea!

I love you!!!

Emma Lee said...

1. You look beautiful!
2. This picture is wonderful and I need one. Fur real.
3. I miss you.
4. I needed to hear this. I feel ya babe. The holidays have been bitter sweet for me the last 6 years but it is wonderful to know that our Savior lives and he understands perfectly how we feel. You are such a blessing to me in my life. We need to chat soon. :)
5. I miss you. HUG.


Gina Sims said...

Such beautiful words & a beautiful family picture! Thanks for sharing!