On November 6th, 2007, I was 9 months pregnant and something terrible had happened to our baby. Instead of getting the exciting news that a healthy, happy baby had been born, grandpa heard the opposite. That our sweet little girl had passed away. She was stillborn due to a cord accident. Right then Dad flew to Las Vegas and got on a plane to San Francisco. I had to be induced and so I was in the hospital waiting to have the baby when he arrived. I was still in shock and couldn't understand what had happened and why it had happened. When I saw Dad come into the hospital room, I felt a sense of peace. He was there to comfort me and help me get through one of the hardest things I would ever have to do. It was late and my body still wasn't ready to push her out, and my emotions still weren't ready to let her go either. The next day, I woke to my biggest nightmare, but it was real. I don't remember much about the labor. But I do remember holding and loving my little baby after she was born. We named her Chelsea Lynn Edwards. She was 7lbs, 4oz and 20.5 inches long. She looked like a perfect combination of her older brother and sister. Her dad and I automatically loved her and kissed her. But I think it was because we had made her together. I don't know how other people would feel about holding a dead baby. But, I wanted Dad to come and see his newest grandchild. He didn't hesitate for one minute. When he walked in the room, I was nervous that he might be scared or freaked-out to be honest. But he did what any grandpa would probably have done. He walked right up and took her out of my arms and held and kissed her. He was sad, but he tried to be happy for this short time he had with this precious baby. His comment cheered me up when he said "Well, she is definitely an Edwards!" With her long legs and arms that dangled like a frog(like my other three kids). Her face and head was smothered in kisses from her grandpa and he rocked and rocked her for at least an hour. We cried a little but just tried to comment on how beautiful and precious she was. He looked at her hands and feet, just like he would do with any other grandchild, not worried about her being already gone. My dad spoiled her as much as he could in that short time. When it was time for him to go, he cried and then gave her back to me. He leaned down one more time and kissed her on her tiny head, trying not to cry. Kind of like he does when we have to go home after a long vacation at Grandpa and Grandma's. Then he looked at me and told me he loved me and gave me a kiss too. I needed it more than her of course. But then again, my dad probably needed comfort too. He had just lost his grand-daughter!!! But Dad had to be strong and brave, because, well, that's what dad's do. I love you dad!
Happy 60th birthday!
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing Ronna. What a wonderful gift to have your father in this memory loving and supporting you. Thank you for sharing. :) Love you.
Thanks Ronna I cried through the whole thing. Dads are GREAT!! Your dad is a great guy!! Please tell him Happy Birthday from us. Misty lost a little girl she was just over a month old. She was born with her insides on the outside-Your story brought alot of that back. You are so strong!!
Thank you for sharing that story of your dad & beautiful baby girl!
I've had a lot of "down" moments in the last week or two, and it was nice to kind of release some of that in a cry over your post. So tender. What a wonderful thing for your dad to do. Thank you very much for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing this...I thought it was so sweet how you wrote that he spoiled her during the short time she was with him...
what a sweet, sweet story. I read it as Connor was taking a nap on my chest, and definitely started bawling. You are so blessed to have four beautiful children, one of which you'll get to raise in the millenium. Love you!
Ronna, I've never been on your blog before but saw your name on Lindsey (Lester's) blog. That is the sweetest, most precious, thing that I have ever read. You have such a great Dad, what a comfort that must have been for you at that time. Thank you for sharing. Chelsea Welling Whitney
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