Thursday, December 17, 2009

She's making a list, and checking it....twice...

Yep, I am going to toot my horn for just a minute. This past week was crazy busy but I am proud to say that I have completed most of my Christmas shopping/to do list. Here are just a few things that I have been up to:
Home made gifts for grandparents. Check.
Home made ornaments for the tree. Check.
Send off Christmas Cards. Check.
Joy School Christmas program. Check.
Deliver H.T./V.T gifts. Check.
Deliver friends/neighbors gifts. Check.
Deliver Y.W. things. Check.
Take the kids to see Christmas lights. Check.
Get gifts for my side of the family. Check.
Get gifts for JR's side of the family. Check.
Pick up J.R.s' gift. Check.
Pick up myself a gift. Check. (I've been a good girl this year.)

Hope your holidays are off to a good start. We are off to UT/Vegas for Christmas with my family and then ID for New Years with JR's family. Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful time of the year. See you in 2010!!!