This wasn't what she had planned on and it seems like alot of her "firsts" haven't worked out like we had planned:
Here is Brooke's first day of life. I planned on getting induced and having a nice epidural. Brooke had different plans. She decided to come out way too quick and I barely made it to the hospital before her head popped out. Long story short; I got to the hospital at 9:00, she was born at 9:14. No doctor, no drugs,no following my plan.
Here is a picture of Brooke's first bite of baby food. Funny thing is, I wasn't even there to witness it. JR said that she was hungry and so he decided to feed her himself. Her own mother missed a major milestone. At least JR remembered to take some pictures. But where's the bib hun?
Here is a video of Brooke's first steps. Too bad Luke didn't want her to learn how to walk. He kept pushing her over so she never had a chance to even try. No wonder she can "stand up" for herself now!
And here is Brooke's first trip to the hospital. We thought that they would just give her an anti-biotic and send us home. Nope, they kept her in the hospital for 5 days. They finally figured out she had a urinary tract infection that had spread to her kidneys. Definately not planned.
Come to think of it, Brooke wasn't planned at all. When I found out I was pregnant, I was in shock and totally thought that the nurse was wrong. I guess before she even came to earth, she was shaking things up for us. HAHAHA.
But, I can honestly say that our little Brookey has been one of the biggest blessings of our lives. I couldn't ever imagine my life without my little girl. Heavenly Father's plan for us to have her in our family were just perfect and I feel so blessed to have her, planned or not. I just hope that I can have a little time to plan for her wedding! No eloping Brooke.
That is so so CUTE....Brooke is precious and what a fun recap of her childhood so far.
What a sweet little post of firsts!! I totally enjoyed it. You are lucky to have Brooke. I just love all the pictures of Luke and Brooke together. They look like such good friends.
Hope you are feeling better and staying hydrated with the flu. YUCK!!
She is such a good dresser.
I love her outfit in the first pic. And it was really fun reading about some of Brooke's firsts. That's a cute post! Seems that she's the kind to keep you on your toes! Cute.
We love Brookey too! Especially Seth.
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