Monday, June 16, 2008

Why am I so lazy????

That is what JR asked me this morning. I would have punched him but I couldn't get out of bed. So, here are a few reasons I might be too tired to do anything today(except eat of course)
1. It is Monday, any other questions.
2. I am almost 6 months pregnant but I look and feel like I should be 8 months. Add on to that the fact that I was already pregnant for 9 months and then took a two month break and here we go again. I am the elephant women-did you know they are pregnant for two years?
3. We went to our friends cabin this weekend and now I have tons of laundry to do and a car to clean out.
4. I am having my V.T. over for dinner tonight and have to clean the house and make a nice dinner.
5. I just got back from the grocery store and I forgot something I need.
6. I just started reading the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers and that is all I want to do.
7. My kids have been fighting all morning and into the afternoon.
8. My bed is really comfy.
Well I couldn't even get to 10 reasons because while I was writing all of this I realized that I should actually get started on some of it. Well maybey after I read one chapter of my book. I will just make sure to keep my bedroom door closed, then I won't have to clean it. That is one less thing I have to do.


Emma Lee said...


I am so happy to see that you have actually entered the blogging world. I actually have been checking your blog periodically to see if you had officially started yet, SO hooray! This post made me laugh. I can totally hear the conversation between you and JR and I love your come backs. So happy to hear about your little girl! I miss you a ton. Love ya,


Cheri said...

This made me laugh! SO TRUE! I don't think we're lazy, I think we are totally worn out. Being a mom is hard stuff, and there aren't days off. It just is hard to get recharged again! (Especially when you have to have a major recharging every couple days - because that's how fast the mountain of laundry reappears...)