Thursday, June 26, 2008

How was your day?

Ok, so basically yesterday could've passed for one of those terrible days that you don't want to remember but looking back might be sort of funny. It is not yet funny to me though. So, I will not even mention my morning and I will just skip to the afternoon. We were at Costco(I shouldn't have to say much more to all the SAHMs out there). The kids were doing their usual: running down the isles, grabbing every sample and then yelling "this is gross", wanting to buy everything that we don't ever buy. Not so bad. We finally left the store in one piece. We got to the van and loaded everything in, including the kids. Although I did think about casually leaving them in the cart as I was returning it. We were driving home and when we got to a stop light, the person ahead of me stopped rather quickly. So, I slammed on my breaks so I wouldn't hit them. Well, we were fine but I heard all of my grocerys come flying to the front of the van. For some reason, I had left the back seats down so there was a nice flat run-way for the food to slide down. The food didn't slide, it flew. I heard a few bangs and then Luke looked back and said that the rotisserie chicken that I had bought had spilled. No bid deal right???? Well we were almost home and I kept hearing things sliding around under our seats. I just thought it was the peaches. Nope. It was the EGGS. Yes, every single egg had flew from the carton into my nice clean van. I found about four that HADN'T broken, the rest were cracked open sliding around in my van. Don't forget, this was Costco's 18 pack, not the normal dozen. Well, I didn't really know what to do. What do you do when something like this happens???? You spend the next two hours cleaning out your van with a wet/dry vacuum.
P.S. Sorry no pictures, I had eggs all over my hands and didn't think that ruining my camera was worth the proof. Who would ever make that up anyway.
P.S.S. And I wouldn't recommend trying to picture what it looked like either b/c it was way worse than you can imagine.


Liz said...

Oh Ronna!
How funny, that right there is why I don't do the shopping anymore. Chris just goes by himself (oh and he does the cooking too) me I just clean up! I hope everything goes well with this pregnancy, my only advice is to listen to your body. Mine always told me that I needed more ice cream! Now that it's been four months since I was pregnant, my body still tells me I need more ice cream. My scale says otherwise.

Larsen's said...

Oh no! Now that is a Costco trip you will *never* forget!

Cheri said...

OH Ronna. Ughhh! That is enough misery to make we want to cry for you and at the same time.. horribly funny! Sounds straight out of a movie.

But really, to have THAT happen after being totally frazzled with the kids... let's just say I'd be fortunate to still have three kids at the end of the day (that DIDN'T have emotional trauma from being shouted at repeatedly and/or physical trauma from being hurled out of my sight and hearing distance.)

Beka said...

Oh my, I think I'd have to check in to the asylum after survivining Costco and cleaning up that eggy-mess. But, you made it through! Hopefully today has been a much better day.

You're right that one day it will probably be really humorous...especially since you didn't hit the car in front of you.

p.s. I just read your first post. You, my friend, are NOT lazy. You are so full of life and goodness and get so much good done each day. You amaze me.

Emma Lee said...

Oh, while I have FULL sympathy this gave me a good chuckle. Look on the bright could have been the case of costco eggs! ;) I hope you got them all out (with out having crunchy carpet). It seems like that would be one of the hardest things to clean up. Ugh!