Friday, May 15, 2009

We're Moving...

...But not too far away. Yes, the rumors are true, the Edwards are moving to Palo Alto. There have been lots of reasons as to why we should and shouldn't move but when you get that peaceful feeling after months of trying to ignore it, then you can't deny it any longer. So, we signed the lease yesturday and we move on July 1. I am having sooooo many emotions and feelings about this move. I am going to make a list here of why we shouldn't move and then a list of why we decided to do it anyways.
Why Not List:
1. You have alot of awesome friends and they have been so supportive this past three years. Why on earth would you need to make more???
2. You live 10 minutes from San Francisco.
3. You love your ward.
4. You live 5 minutes from the airport.(Nice since I went there over 18 times in March)
5. Your kids have fun friends.
6. Carpool is arranged (thanks to Sara who I will miss dearly)
7. The weather never gets too hot or too cold.
8. We are 10 minutes from the beach.
9. Our rent is only $2500 a month here
10. We started going house shopping and were going to be able to buy a house in this area.
11. There are some great running trails a mile away from my house.
12. We finally found all the great hole-in-the-wall restaraunts that the whole family loves.
13. AND the most obvious reason I don't want to move is because I don't want to pack up my house and move it 30 miles south.

So, why on earth are we moving???
1. We will be closer to JR's work. (1.4 miles to be exact) And even though his commute wasn't that bad, being able to see daddy for an hour more a day is a big deal.
2. The schools are some of the best in the country because of silicon valley and the dot com companies.
3. Because the Lord told us to.

And that is that folks. I really don't have any more reasons then those three. But we did get a smokin deal on rent for a great home in a great neighborhood (thanks to a friend in the ward down there, oh and because we are full tithe payers I am assuming) I made a pledge with the Lord, if he could find us a nice house for under 3100 a month I would do it. Since I have been checking Craigs' list everyday for the past 3 months I knew it was impossible. And guess what? The next day we heard about this house and everything fell into place. So how do you deny that???? You don't. You just do it and trust that the Lord has a plan for you and if you are willing to follow it, you will be blessed. Hey, it has worked thus far and I feel so blessed to have my life.
Love to you all!
PS, if you don't hear from me for awhile, it is because i am packing my house and getting ready for the move. But please make a comment and let me know why I am not crazy to be doing this. When I am in the midst of packing my house and cleaning, I am afraid that the peaceful feeling I had might not be as clear as it had been when we signed the lease. It is always good to have some reminders.


amydear said...

That is exciting news! I'm sure you'll love being so close to JR's work. He can probably swing by for lunch some days. I'm sure you're making a good decision, and your friends aren't too far away. Have fun packing!

Cheri said...

WONDERFUL! Way to go Ronna! Just writing all that down will be a great reminder to you of why you are moving.

I'm so happy that the house fell in to place. You will be blessed for listening to the promptings that came to you.

Good luck with the move. Is JR going to take the foil antenna with him? (:

Larsen's said...

We will miss you, Ronna! ...but, I am SURE you will have a nice ward down there, too, and your kids will make some new great friends. You are still close enough to the airport - heck, you can fly out of San Jose now, too, so now you have a choice. The weather down there is so beautiful (let's face it, it is better than here!). Oh, and I love exploring Stanford University and the Cantor Art Museum there - it is free! Plus, downtown Palo Alto is very cute, and Stanford Shopping center is very nice. I think you will be very happy there, and you are close enough to here that you can visit! ...Hmmmm, now I sort of want to move to Palo Alto!!! ;)

Maren Hansen said...

I know how hard that is, but I know you'll look back and be so grateful you decided to follow what the Lord asked of you. Gotta love the hindsight being 20/20 thing--wish foresight was as clear... :) Good on ya and best of luck w/the packing & unpacking!

Mark said...

We've got some great friends from Michigan law doing an intern with Latham in Menlo Park this summer. There last name is Savage and I'm sure she'd love to get in touch with someone in the area!

Emma Lee said...

:) I hear Palo Alto is fabulous too....Its all gonna work out. I know you know that. The Lord fulfills his promises. :)

PS CHERI- That is no is a masters piece of art!

Gina Sims said...

I think that taking a leap of faith is always hard but I know that the Lord will bless you 10 fold in the end! Good luck with the move!

Travis and Nikki said...

Ronna I wish you the best with your new move. Moving is never fun but it sounds like the best decision, especially if you were told. Good job with listening. Sometimes that is the hardest part. Love ya Nik

Mo-jo Maynard said...

Ronna, you are downright crazy and off your rocker. I'm pretty sure that the lord told you no, but the voices in you head told you yes, so like all crazy people you obey. :)

Katie said...

WOOOHOOO! Ok chica, Palo Alto is like the most beautiful place on earth! And they have the sweet museum! I think that you will be soooo happy to have life with JR around. He can just come home for dinner and then go back to work! Nothing is more soothing for me than having Matt home in the evening to help. I'm so excited for you! Do you like the house it'self better? You are a very strong person and I really admire you!!!!

Kelly said...

We just sold our house to move closer to Ben's work, and the that's not where we were supposed to be. We ended up moving just 4 miles from our last house. But it felt right to sell our home and everything worked out. So I feel we are just supposed to be over here. When you know you're supposed to do something, you just do it, and things will work out for you. Good luck. Playing Michael Jackson in the background while I packed helped out a ton. :-)

Brooke said...

You make me laugh. You find great things wherever you are. Change isn't all bad. I am thinking about coming to visit in August. I have a friend who is moving about 30 minuntes from Napa and I want to do some wine tasting, I thought I could see you for a few days too? Let me know what you think. Love ya.