Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have been stressed lately and feeling anxious about a number of things. It seems like everyday I hear about someone else losing their jobs, more homes going into forcloser, divorce, and family hardships among other things. It is hard for me b/c I feel helpless. I wish I had a magic wand to heal the hurt and pain people are feeling. I feel so blessed that JR has a good job, that we have money for groceries/rent, beautiful kids, and a husband whom I can say I am honestly in love with. We are at a pretty happy place right now in our lives but I am confused as to why I feel so gloomy? Maybey it is b/c last year was a really hard year for us with the death of Chelsea and then a very stressful pregnancy. I think that the Lord is giving us a break-thank goodness. But, I am feeling like I want to return the favor and I just don't know where to start and then I get overwhelmed looking at everyone else's struggles. I am not sure why I wanted to post this, but it is always good to let people know that you love them and care about them. So even though this isn't a very personal approach to telling you all that I love you, I just want you to know that I am praying for you and wanted you to know that the Lord loves you too. You are not alone.


amydear said...

I really like this post, Ronna, because it echoes what so many people are thinking. I'm trying to spend less and be more generous. You are such a kind person with a wonderful heart. I'm sure you miss Chelsea every day, even though it's been a year. And maybe because it's been a year. I'm glad you have a great little family who loves you. You have lots of friends too! Thanks for thinking of us just like we think of you.

Cheri said...

I echo Amy.

Love you! and remember that Heavenly Father wants us to find joy, so look to those blessings, and then find fun manageable things to do with your kids....like give away a plate of cookies, or a bag of Luke's extra clothes. Do it anonymously, and you will really enjoy yourself! Nothing big, but will make someone else smile.

Maren Hansen said...

And, babe, don't forget to take care of yourself. It's been a hard year for you, and your body has been through much. Take it easy--all my love!

Annie said...

Love that you wrote this so plainly and honestly. It is just as beautiful as you are. Thanks for giving words to feelings I couldn't articulate. It shows how special you are that you shine in my memory from 4 years ago. I love you too!

RiLee said...

Wow, you feel just like me, the other day I was thinking that I have so MUCH..it is disturbing..I want to do more to, but I think by being a good example to our kids and showing them what they are lucky to have helps...I try to talk to claire and Sarah about how much they have and that they should be grateful, but they don't see the heartaches you and I see. thanks for pointing it out..I hope you feel better soon and that these days will come quickly of us not feeling the financial burdens that has befallen us. I also enjoyed your words on Obama, I was teary eyed to..he does sound like he has so much to offer, and has a good heart..hopefully we can listen and get on with what his intentions were. It was pretty amazing to be part of that historical moment, I started watching it about 9, and had friends go down for it. Ialso just updated my blog, new pics of Christmas and new Years, also you have to look at my friends blog, shaunadiaz..her son sings this song that is amazing...perfect for brooke

RiLee said...

OH yeah I saw that girl who was serving in your ward in Ann Arbor, she is from New jersey..forgot her name

Emma Lee said...

Oh, Ronna I love you dear. Just being yourself is enough to lite people's hearts and bring warmth through cold trials. IF there is something else you need to do the spirit will guide you and I know you are receptive to act. Have peace knowing that if God needs you to assist, he will answer through you when he needs you to.



BC Thompson Family said...

It was so nice to hear how you feel and your want to help others. Lately it does seem that all we hear about is lots of job loss etc. With our current change in employment with our partner I was feeling kinda gloomy, but what I realized is we have to love and appreciate what we have now and that will be good for now. Some of our biggest obstacles that we think are bringing us down like job change etc actually is a blessing in disguise for a well needed changed etc. I understand your need to want to help others and just by saying how you feel makes it so clear to others if they ever need to talk you are there. It was so sweet.