Then we were off to Idaho to JR's sisters house for another Christmas celebration! We left the day after Christmas and got there just in time to go to a concert at their church. Then we went home and had a yummy Turkey dinner and opened more presents. The next day we went sledding and then had our family pictures taken. That night we went bowling-it was so fun!! The day after that, we went skiing/snowboarding. That is when my camera broke and so I don't have any pictures of anything after that. But we did more skiing/snowboarding, played too much WII, watched movies, and ate alot of yummy food. For New Years Eve, we had a Guitar Hero party. It was so fun and I totally rocked it. Here are the last pictures from my camera. Thanks Christi for such a fun time in Haily again!

We had a ton of fun but were happy to get home and be in our own beds. I hope we can all get together again soon.