Sunday, January 3, 2010

Brooke's 5th Birthday Party

Before we get into the new year, I need to post a very important day in December. December 8th was Brooke's 5th birthday! We had a puppy party. Yes, if you remember right, Brooke did have a puppy party two years ago. But since she asks for a real puppy almost every birthday and at Christmas, we decided to get our puppy fix with another puppy party. I invited our neighbor Town, to come and give us a little show with his two dogs Meg and Macie. It was a real treat for all the kids! They did tricks and he even let all the kids participate, especially Brooke! Who needs to pay for a clown or a magician when you can get just as much entertainment from your neighbor and his two dogs? Thanks again Town!!!!!!!!!

Then we painted bobble-head puppies. They turned out so cute!

Here they are trying to "Pin the Paw on the Puppy".

The kids really liked making their own "doggy collars". I just bought a bunch of charms and then ribbon. It was a hit!!!

And of course we had a pinata! Brooke picked it out. When we went to the store to find one, I was a little dissapointed to see that they didn't have any puppies. But as soon as Brooke saw this donkey, she said "Look Mom!! There is a dog one!" I sort of laughed and then said, you're right it is a dog. I love your imagination! But what is a party without a pinata???

Happy Birthday to our little Brooky. I guess you aren't so little anymore since you are 5 years old now. I sure do love you and your positive outlook on life. You make me laugh daily. I am sure going to miss you next year when you go to kindergarten. But until then, I will enjoy having you at home with me. I love you Brooke Valery Edwards!!!!


Larsen's said...

I love the idea of having your neighborhood doggies come to the party. How clever! Have a GREAT New Years...miss you, but you look like you are very happy there! :)

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun. Lots of smiley faces. Andrew and Amelia would've gone crazy at this party...they are dog enthusiasts.

And your house looks beautiful! Did you change your kitchen?

imbritney said...

Oh, how fun! You always throw the best parties! Looks like Brooke had a good one. :)

Emma Lee said...

You do throw the best parties! I need your party planning juices flowing here in TX!!! Please move here. NOW. Happy Birthday Brooky! I am glad you loved your Apron! Love ya.