Thursday, January 14, 2010

He's gone to the Holy Land...

...and I wish I was with him. So I haven't blogged for awhile but I have a few good excuses.
1. JR has been in Israel for a week and won't be back until next week.
2. My camera broke over the holidays.
3. Luke and Brooke have strep throat and Caitlynn has a cold.
5. I am tired and feeling a little over-whelmed. So blogging will be put on hold for a little bit. Sorry folks.


Kelly said...

Your poor kids. I hope they get better soon. Sorry you're without a hubby for a while, I know how hard that is. What takes him over there? Sometimes blogging is just ONE more thing to do and it defiantly gets overwhelming.

Cheri said...

Hey there,

I hope you all start feeling better soon and that you get a nap!

Lots of love

RiLee said...

There are sooo many people sick...good luck

imbritney said...

No worries, Ronna! I hope you all are feeling well soon. :) and a speedy return to JR!

BC Thompson Family said...

So sorry to hear you kids are sick we are praying for a fast recovery!

Mark said...

Hey! We have some great friends finishing law school at UofM right now. They are moving to your area to work at Latham. Super cute little family. I think they are shooting for Menlo Park but I was wondering if you have any advice on housing for her. Her name is Julie Savage and you can add her on facebook, or look out cause I might have her request to be your friend. Anyways, I'm sure she'd love you! Who wouldn't?? You're so fun.
jenny peterson

Emma Lee said...

Hope you get feeling better Ronna! Sorry JR is gone. Just think happy only 2 months till girls weekend!!!! Woot! Love ya.