Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home Alone...

So JR left today for Texas for three weeks to go to trial! He was pretty excited to go since he has been working on this case for the past two years and only about 5% of patent cases ever make it to court. The other ones usually settle. Not this one though, and the timing couldn't have been worse. Here I am with a one month old, and he goes and leaves. I was freaking out about it and then I realized that there are plenty of single moms out there and that I should be OK. Also, he has been working crazy hours (surprise, surprise) and so the only difference is that he sleeps here and we see him for a few minutes in the morning. Other than that, there isn't much difference in him working at his office 30 minutes away or in Texas 3,000 miles away. So why am I freaking out??? I guess there is just something about having your spouse home at night and withing driving distance. Even though he was at work most of the time and I don't usually wake him up to help out with Caitlynn at night, I will definitely miss having him here. Please pray for me that I will survive without him. Oh, and Hun, good luck!


Michael Larsen said...

Ronna, here's hoping that JR can get a satisfactory outcome quickly and get back to you. As one who also knows what it feels like to work some insane hours, we do so because we want to provide well for our families. I know that's what JR is thinking, so take some comfort in that. And call us if you need anything :).

Regan said...

What part of Texas is he in?? You can do this!

Jenny said...

Well, if you want to pack up your three kids and visit him you're always welcome here. We can play single moms together.

Emma Lee said...


I say you just hop on the plane and come stay with us while he is here. Ben & Caitlin can have their first date and we can go get a facial or something. Plus you can see your man at night!! I just saw airfare for 235 round trip!!!Sounds perfect to me!!!

Tell JR to call us for sure!

Brooke said...

Ronna, I have absolutely no doubt that you will do great. You are an amazing Mom. Please give the little ones a hug and kiss from me. Wish I could fly up there to help. Love, Brooke

BC Thompson Family said...

Hey Ronna,
Just come out to see us and we would love to help u out! I am sad my Carter is no longer a baby...Catilynn is a doll! U will do great by yourself because u are so independent. Call if u ever need anything!

Cheri said...

You can do it! Your post title makes me think of the movie...so maybe you can rig up some pretty sweet booby traps outside, order some pizza - however much you'd need for 3 weeks...ha ha ...BARF!! - and ROCK AND ROLL!...of course only when Caitlynn is sleeping.

All kidding aside - you really can do it. take it a day (or an hour) at a time, and pray for a stillness inside you. you will be able to roll with things, and not get caught up in the little stuff. take naps when needed and possible, and ask a visiting teacher to show up once a week and haul thru the a major clean up with you.


GrannySharon said...

You're stronger than you think you are!!