Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still here.....sort of.

Well the sleepless nights are definitely setting in. Caitlynn came down with an infection in her tear duct that clogged it and made the side of her face swell up. Then, because of the pain, she wasn't eating properly and was losing weight. We took her to the pediatric eye doctor and they did a minor procedure on her and now her face is back to normal and she doesn't look like a pirate anymore. I hope she starts eating better now. Life goes on and I am trying to ride the wave but am seriously dragging. Hope my next post will be a little bit more....positive?


Cheri said...

Good luck, Ronna! Poor little Caitlyn girl. I hope all goes better for the both of you!! is it working out so that you are able to get a nap at all when the other kiddos are in school? I hope so! Wish I could drop by and do something wonderfully helpful for you. I love you!

Emma Lee said...

I totally feel your pain girl. I hope Caitlin stays out of the woods. Last Monday we spent 3 hours at the doctors office & then another 12 in the ER with Benjamin. I felt like I lost a whole week. What moms go through for children!! Can I order you sometake out? Love ya.

BC Thompson Family said...

It will get better...I remember those days...I kinda miss the sleepless nights with my tiny baby Carter. Time flies by cherish every minute! She is doll though. Congrats.

Katie said...

I think that I am still catching up on my sleep from when Lucy was born :) My advice is to just take a lot of little breaks during the day. And thinking positively about yourself can really"I'm an awesome mom because my children aren't soiled and they have eaten today and haven't been lost or hit by a car"...see just like that and you will feel so much better! If you need a care package with some earplugs, just let me know.

Frog Family said...

Poor little girl. My oldest had both tear ducts blocked, had them both probed 4 times each and then had tubes put in her eyes because they still didn't open. No fun at all. Hopefully she doesn't have to go through that because it was baby torture. Good luck on catching up with your sleep.

Nikki Nelson said...

Oh my! You're doing great Ronna! You are a wonderful mom, and you've got three kids... it's going to be hectic, but you'll survive! I love you, if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. Oh, BTW I had tubes in my eyes and ears when I was a baby. My tear ducts didn't form properly, and I had constant ear infections.
I love ya,

Paradise said...

Congrats on your precious little girl. I have been thinking about you and praying for the safe and healthy arrival of your baby girl. I am so glad things went well. I miss you! I need to send you my blog address. I hope things get better for you and you get in a routine with three children. You are a great family. Keep in touch. I miss running with you in the early Michigan mornings.