Saturday, February 21, 2009

26 Random things about me...thanks to facebook and my friend Ambyr.

So, since I have been tagged way too many times on facebook I decided to do this on my blog for all my blogger friends out there. Plus I couldn't think of anything else to post about today. So, here goes:
1. I have one real sister, two real brothers, 5 step-sisters and 2 step-brothers. Oh, and one step-mom.
2. I HATE scary movies. Back when I was too young to watch even PG-13 movies, I somehow got my hands on Silence of the Lambs. That movie freaked me out so much that every time I see a big white van I feel like I should run and call the cops. That movie really bothered me and I couldn't sleep for weeks. There wasn't anything "fun" about watching that movie. I did like The Sixth Sense though.
3. When I was a kid, we lived in WY where my grandpa had a cattle-farm. Sometimes the female cows would die giving birth so my grandpa would give us the calves to feed and take care of. We had a little shed/pasture in the back and we would feed the calves with powdered milk from a bottle every morning and evening. I hate powdered milk now. (the one I remember the most was named Scooter because he couldn't walk, he was paralyzed at birth. I remember when one day after school I went out to the shed and he was gone, do you all remember the part in the movie Napoleon Dynamite when that old grandpa shot that cow????? )
4. I love having my back popped-and massaged for that matter!
5. My dad used to own an ice-cream/sandwich shop called Sweet 16 Ice Cream. (BTW this went out of business really quick, remember when I said I grew up in WY, who wants ice-cream when it is super cold outside???? Not the best idea Dad)
6. I went to jail for stealing clothes my senior year in high school.
7. I got voted best dressed my senior year in high school. ( I wonder why???)
8. When JR(my husband) told me he loved me the first time, I didn't say it back to him. It took me a couple of weeks but I eventually feel madly in love with him.
9. My friends and I used to throw fireworks at peoples cars and one time it landed on my friends windshield and it shattered. We all had to pay her $50.00 to fix it. Sorry Courtney:)
10. My sweet mom died in a car accident when I was 8.
11. Almost exactly a year later my grandma died from diabetes(my moms mom).
12. Nineteen years later my baby died right before birth. We named her Chelsea Lynn and she was a beautiful 7 lb baby. She is my third child. So technically I have four children. Even though most people think I only have three.
13. All of these deaths happened in November. But that is the month I am suppose to be Thankful, so it gets a little tricky.
14. My husband is an attorney and makes more money than both our parents combined but we still can only afford to rent a house in the bay area (so two things to point out, yes, our parents are poor and yes the bay area is super expensive; we pay $2500 to rent a really ugly house)
15. But, I don't ever want to move away from the bay area.
16. I LOVE bubblegum. The bigger the better. (Yes I know it isn't very lady-like to have a huge wad of gum in my mouth but I can't resist those big yummy bubble-gum ball machines)
17. I love Thursdays because that is when my husband and I meet for lunch.
18. If I could meet anyone in the world, it would be me in 25 years. (it would be nice to see Chelsea and my mom though, someday;)
19. I love eating out with my kids. I like that I get to pick wherever I want to eat and that their meals are so cheap so I can actually try three different things at any restaurant. I can't wait until Caitlynn eats real food. Then I will get to try four! (FYI I am not talking about fast food here either)
20. I don't really like getting ready in the morning. I have really thick hair and it takes me forever to do. I don't really like putting make-up on b/c I have to wash it off at night. It seems like alot to do just for a few hours a day. But once it is done I love how I feel about myself so I try to do it most days. Same reason I don't like to make my bed, although I do like to make my kids' beds?????
21. If I had my choice between a pound of chocolate or a pound of gummy bears, I would pick the gummy bears. I have never been a huge fan of chocolate but I will totally eat it if that is all there is. I also wish I could've had a cotton candy machine and a Snow Shack at my reception. I love those sweet treats! Thanks Ri for the idea.
22. I am one semester shy of my bachelor's degree. Instead of finishing, I let my husband go to Law School. Either I am really stupid or I trust my husband with my life. Plus, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
23. My husband doesn't let me do his laundry. I am actually grateful to his mom for this. Apparently she ruined alot of his clothes and so he likes to do them himself. But he never does them so our room always has a pile of his laundry.( I do actually wash his under garnments and socks, but I am not allowed to wash his work clothes)
24. I love to go to the library and check out tons of home interior magazines and try to figure out how to decorate my house when we buy one. There are way too many things I love but I am trying to get more into the "modern" style. I am getting sick of the cottage style I have now but I really love antiques so we'll see what my house looks like in 10 years.
25. I had brain surgery when I was 3. Details:I fell off a bunk bed and then hit my head on a dresser. The crazy thing was that my head wasn't bleeding or anything. I just had a really bad headache all night that kept getting worse. Finally when I wouldn't wake up, my parents rushed me to the ER and found out that I had internal bleeding. (A mother's worse nightmare) So, 76 stitches and a huge scar later, here I am. No comments please.
26. My maiden name is McDonald. So, say it together now...Ronna McDonald. Yep that was my name. I got teased soooooo much. Apparently Ronald McDonald was invented in 1979 and I was born in 1980. So, right about the time he was really popular, I was going into kindergarten. Poor me right?
PS Sorry if there was a little too much information for you all but it was actually pretty fun to think about myself for a little while. I hope you enjoyed at least the last one :0 Seriously, what were my parents thinking??????


Larsen's said...

I actually didn't want your post to end, it was so interesting, Ronna! Let's see - well, maybe we can swap jail stories, I was there, too! I wasn't sure how your mom died - I felt really sad to read that. I didn't tell Michael I loved him at first, either! He had to wait a few weeks to hear it from me, too. Like you, I love to go out to eat with the kids. It gets even better when they are older because they get more adventurous with what they eat.

Anyways, thanks for sharing your, 26! We all love you! :)

Rory and Katie McDonald said...

I didn't know some of that about you. It was sure fun to read. Miss you all and hope to see you soon.

Emma Lee said...

So I am proud to say that I knew all of these except 23....I had no idea JR cared about that. So funny. I can wash Weston's casual clothes but am not allowed to wash any of his dress shirts. Go figure. They have their own special bin away from all his other clothes. We wouldn't want to ruin those wrinkle free pleats. lol

Katie said...

I love you sooooo much...I mean who couldn't love you, you are so awesome!!!! Even though I know all these things..basically...they are fun to read. Yes!

Whitney said...

Hello Ronna. This is your aunt Terri and Whitney. We thought it was cute